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Tous les ouvrages mentionnés ci-dessous sont disponibles sous forme de pdf sur simple demande. All the books mentioned below are available in pdf format on request.
- Agroforesterie Les jardins oasis: cultiver ensemble légumes, condimentaires et fruits Robert Elger 2016
- Any size, anywhere Edible Gardening The No Yard, No Time, No Problem Way to Grow Your Own Food William Moss
- Biology for Dummies René Fester Kratz 2017
- Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook Cornell University 2008
- Calendrier de bouturage
- Calendrier des semis du Calendrier Lunaire Michel Gros
- Chemistry Essentials for Dummies John T. Moore 2010
- Chemistry for Dummies John T. Moore 2003
- Collapse How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed Jared Diamond 2005
- Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush John Michael Greer 2012
- Columelle de l'économie rurale - I Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella 41
- Comment construire un four solaire avec des caisses de carton
- Comment s'aligner sur une trajectoire compatible avec les 1,5°C B&L Evolution 2018
- Communities that Abide Dmitry Orlov 2014
- Conseils pratiques pour une utilisation de l'urine en production agricole EcoSanRes 2011
- Construct a Chicken Moat for Effective Garden Pest Control Gene Gerue 1988
- Constructing a Household Sand Filter
- Container Gardening for Dummies Bill Marken, Suzanne DeJohn 2010
- Cours de Botanique Généralités - Systématique des grands groupes végétaux Joël Reynaud
- Cours de Botanique Systématique des angiospermes Joël Reynaud
- Creating a Forest Garden Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops Martin Crawford 2010
- Deep Green Resistance Strategy to Save the Planet Derrick Jensen, Aric McBay, Lierre Keith 2011
- Distributeurs de semences biologiques et variétés anciennes en France… et ailleurs
- Edible Forest Gardens Volume 1 Ecological Vision and Theory for Temperate Climate Permaculture Dave Jacke 2005
- Edible Forest Gardens Volume 2 Ecological Vision and Theory for Temperate Climate Permaculture Dave Jacke 2005
- En defensa de un colapso de nuestra Civilización rápido y temprano Carlos de Castro Carranza 2015
- Encyclopédie des plantes médicinales Identification, préparations, soins Larousse 2001
- Endgame Volume 1 The Problem of Civilization Derrick Jensen 2006
- Endgame Volume 2 The Problem of Civilization Derrick Jensen 2006
- Energy in History Paolo Malanima
- Energy, EROI and quality of life Charles A.S. Hall 2013
- Etude juridique de l'habitat léger 2018-2019
- Extrapolation of oil past production to forecast future production in barrels Jean Laherrère 2018
- Faites tout vous-même Manger sain et bon, Faites tout, Réparez tout
- Fire-resistant Plants for Home Landscapes Selecting Plants that may reduce your risk from wildfire 2006
- Gaia's Garden A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture Hemenway Toby
- Gardening When it Counts Growing Food in Hard Times Solomon Steve 2005
- Goodbye to the Flush Toilet Water-saving Alternatives to Cesspools, Septic Tanks, and Sewers Carol Hupping Stoner 1977
- Grimoire des plantes Morigane
- Guía para o descenso enerxético Asociación Véspera de Nada por unha Galiza sen petróleo 2013
- Guide pratique de phytothérapie
- Ham Radio for Dummies H. Ward Silver 2013
- Herbal Antibiotics Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria Stephen Harrod Buhner 2012
- Herbal Antibiotics Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria Stephen Harrod Buhner 1999
- Herbal Antivirals Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections Stephen Harrod Buhner 2013
- Homegrown and handmade A practical guide to More Self-Reliant Living Deborah Niemann 2011
- How to Grow More Vegetables - 6th edition John Jeavons 2002
- How to Grow More Vegetables - 8th edition John Jeavons 2012
- Human Energy Experience Thermodynamics applied to life as we know it
- Humanure Handbook A guide to composting human manure Joseph C. Jenkins 1994
- Humanure Handbook - Third edition A guide to composting human manure Joseph Jenkins 2005
- Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison
- Kinsale 2021 An Energy Descent Action Plan Rob Hopkins 2005
- L'agriculture naturelle Masanobu Fukuoka
- L'énergie durable - pas que du vent! David MacKay 2011
- La arbolución Aprende como crear riqueza a través del CO2 Pieter Hoff
- La permaculture - un intérêt économique
- La pratique de sage-femme basée sur les données factuelles Lignes de conduite pour l'accompagnement de l'accouchement Jane Munro & Helen Spiby 2000
- La vie rurale dans l'ancienne France Albert Babeau 1883
- Le grand livre de la taille et de la greffe Pour fortifier et aider à se développer harmonieusement tous les arbres fruitiers du jardin E. Boffelli et G. Sirtori 1998
- Le petit herboriste illustré Plantes médicinales, herboristerie, phytothérapie GAC
- Les plantes médicinales 2015-2016 2015
- Ley de derechos de la madre Tierra
- Lignes directrices relatives à la qualité de l'air Particules, ozone, dioxyde d'azote et dioxyde de soufre OMS 2005
- Manuel de survie de l'armée canadienne
- Nombre de Dunbar Chiffre magique et forces tribales Julie Rachel Ferrier 2015
- Nuclear War Survival Skills Cresson H. Kearny 1987
- One Circle How to Grow a Complete Diet in Less Than 1,000 Square Feet David Duhon 1985
- Opium for the Masses Jim Hogshire 1994
- Overshoot The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change William R. Catton, Jr. 1980
- Paysages résilients Approche systémique du territoire post-effondrement Pierre Lacroix 2017
- PDC Outline
- PDC Permaculture Booklet
- Permaculture A Designers' Manual Bill Mollison 1988
- Permaculture 1 Une agriculture pérenne pour l'autosuffisance Bill Mollison & David Holmgren 1978
- Permaculture 2 Aménagements pratiques à la campagne et en ville Bill Mollison 1986
- Permaculture A Designer's Manual Bill Mollison 1988
- Permaculture Design Course Bill Mollison 1981
- Permaculture for Fire Control & Permaculture for Millionaires Bill Mollison
- Permaculture Two Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture Bill Mollison 1979
- Pic du pétrole et Pic du gaz Patrick Brocorens 2007
- Plukrijp voor Dummies Frank Ruymen 2014
- Précis de phytothérapie Le meilleur de la nature au service de votre santé 2010
- Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 1 Brad Lancaster 2009
- Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 2 Brad Lancaster 2010
- Regional Oil Extraction and Consumption A simple production model for the next 35 years Part I Michael Dittmar 2016
- Regional Oil Extraction and Consumption A simple production model for the next 35 years Part II Michael Dittmar 2017
- Rocket Mass Heaters Superefficient Woodstoves YOU Can Build Ianto Evans, Leslie Jackson 2006
- Sailing the Farm Kenneth Neumeyer 1981
- Saudi Arabia field-by-field Analysis Hans G. Jud 2006
- Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1962
- Standards for Grow Intensive Sustainable Mini-Farming John Jeavons 2015
- Survivre à l'effondrement économique Piero San Giorgio 2011
- Sustainable Energy - without the hot air David MacKay 2009
- The $50 and Up Underground House Book Mike Oehler 1997
- The China Study Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health T. Colin Campbell 2006
- The China Study Cookbook Leanne Campbell 2013
- The Collapse of Complex Societies Joseph A. Tainter 1988
- The Earth-Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book How to build an energy free year-round greenhouse Mike Oehler 2007
- The Essential Urban Farmer Novella Carpenter and Willow Rosenthal 2011
- The Five Stages of Collapse Survivor's Toolkit Dmitry Orlov 2013
- The Global Sociometabolic Transition Past and Present Metabolic Profiles and Their Future Trajectories Fridolin Krausmann 2008
- The Keyline Plan P.A. Yeomans 1954
- The Knowledge How to Rebuild our World from Scratch Lewis Dartnell 2014
- The Limits to Growth Dennis L. Meadows 1972
- The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots 200 Practical Knots for Sailors, Climbers, Campers & Other Adventurers Geoffrey Budworth & Jason Dalton 2002
- The Natural Way of Farming The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy Masanobu Fukuoka
- The One-Straw Revolution Fukuoka Masanobu 1978
- The One-Straw Revolution An Introduction to Natural Farming Masanobu Fukuoka 1978
- The Origins of Invention A Study of Industry among Primitive People Otis T. Mason 1895
- The Permaculture Handbook Garden Farming for Town and Country Peter Bane 2012
- The Permaculture Way Practical Steps to Create a Self-Sustaining World Graham Bell 1992
- The Resilient Gardener Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times Carol Deppe 2010
- The Sea Gypsy Tribe Ray Jason 2013
- The Survival Medicine Handbook A guide for when medical help is not on the way Joseph Alton 2013
- The Treesolution Learn how to create wealth from CO2 Pieter Hoff 2014
- The Ultimate of God Nature The One-Straw Revolution Fukuoka Masanobu 1996
- The Upside of Down Catastrophe, Creativity, andf the Renewal of Civilization Thomas Homer-Dixon 2006
- The Winter Harvest Handbook Year-Round Vegetable Production Using Deep Organic Techniques Eliot Coleman 2009
- The World Without Us Alan Weisman 2007
- Traité pratique et raisonné des plantes médicinales indigènes F.-J. Cazin 1868
- Transcript of a Permaculture Design Course by B. Mollison
- Tree Crops A permanent agriculture J. Russel Smith 1929
- Végétaux intéressants pour la création d'écosystèmes comestibles
- Vie sauvage - Survie #1 David Manise
- Vie sauvage - Survie #2 David Manise
- Walipi Construction The Underground Greenhouse Benson Agriculture and Food Institute 2002
- We, the Tikopia A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive Polynesia Raymond Firth
- What is Cereal Grass?
- Where there is No Dentist Murray Dickson 2010
- Where there is No Doctor A village health care handbook David Werner 2010
- Wood and Bamboo for Rural Water Supply Kick van den Heuvel 1981
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