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Tous les ouvrages mentionnés ci-dessous sont disponibles sous forme de pdf sur simple demande. All the books mentioned below are available in pdf format on request.

  1. Agroforesterie Les jardins oasis: cultiver ensemble légumes, condimentaires et fruits Robert Elger 2016
  2. Any size, anywhere Edible Gardening The No Yard, No Time, No Problem Way to Grow Your Own Food William Moss
  3. Biology for Dummies René Fester Kratz 2017
  4. Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook Cornell University 2008
  5. Calendrier de bouturage
  6. Calendrier des semis du Calendrier Lunaire Michel Gros
  7. Chemistry Essentials for Dummies John T. Moore 2010
  8. Chemistry for Dummies John T. Moore 2003
  9. Collapse How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed Jared Diamond 2005
  10. Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush John Michael Greer 2012
  11. Columelle de l'économie rurale - I Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella 41
  12. Comment construire un four solaire avec des caisses de carton
  13. Comment s'aligner sur une trajectoire compatible avec les 1,5°C B&L Evolution 2018
  14. Communities that Abide Dmitry Orlov 2014
  15. Conseils pratiques pour une utilisation de l'urine en production agricole EcoSanRes 2011
  16. Construct a Chicken Moat for Effective Garden Pest Control Gene Gerue 1988
  17. Constructing a Household Sand Filter
  18. Container Gardening for Dummies Bill Marken, Suzanne DeJohn 2010
  19. Cours de Botanique Généralités - Systématique des grands groupes végétaux Joël Reynaud
  20. Cours de Botanique Systématique des angiospermes Joël Reynaud
  21. Creating a Forest Garden Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops Martin Crawford 2010
  22. Deep Green Resistance Strategy to Save the Planet Derrick Jensen, Aric McBay, Lierre Keith 2011
  23. Distributeurs de semences biologiques et variétés anciennes en France… et ailleurs
  24. Edible Forest Gardens Volume 1 Ecological Vision and Theory for Temperate Climate Permaculture Dave Jacke 2005
  25. Edible Forest Gardens Volume 2 Ecological Vision and Theory for Temperate Climate Permaculture Dave Jacke 2005
  26. En defensa de un colapso de nuestra Civilización rápido y temprano Carlos de Castro Carranza 2015
  27. Encyclopédie des plantes médicinales Identification, préparations, soins Larousse 2001
  28. Endgame Volume 1 The Problem of Civilization Derrick Jensen 2006
  29. Endgame Volume 2 The Problem of Civilization Derrick Jensen 2006
  30. Energy in History Paolo Malanima
  31. Energy, EROI and quality of life Charles A.S. Hall 2013
  32. Etude juridique de l'habitat léger 2018-2019
  33. Extrapolation of oil past production to forecast future production in barrels Jean Laherrère 2018
  34. Faites tout vous-même Manger sain et bon, Faites tout, Réparez tout
  35. Fire-resistant Plants for Home Landscapes Selecting Plants that may reduce your risk from wildfire 2006
  36. Gaia's Garden A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture Hemenway Toby
  37. Gardening When it Counts Growing Food in Hard Times Solomon Steve 2005
  38. Goodbye to the Flush Toilet Water-saving Alternatives to Cesspools, Septic Tanks, and Sewers Carol Hupping Stoner 1977
  39. Grimoire des plantes Morigane
  40. Guía para o descenso enerxético Asociación Véspera de Nada por unha Galiza sen petróleo 2013
  41. Guide pratique de phytothérapie
  42. Ham Radio for Dummies H. Ward Silver 2013
  43. Herbal Antibiotics Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria Stephen Harrod Buhner 2012
  44. Herbal Antibiotics Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria Stephen Harrod Buhner 1999
  45. Herbal Antivirals Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections Stephen Harrod Buhner 2013
  46. Homegrown and handmade A practical guide to More Self-Reliant Living Deborah Niemann 2011
  47. How to Grow More Vegetables - 6th edition John Jeavons 2002
  48. How to Grow More Vegetables - 8th edition John Jeavons 2012
  49. Human Energy Experience Thermodynamics applied to life as we know it
  50. Humanure Handbook A guide to composting human manure Joseph C. Jenkins 1994
  51. Humanure Handbook - Third edition A guide to composting human manure Joseph Jenkins 2005
  52. Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison
  53. Kinsale 2021 An Energy Descent Action Plan Rob Hopkins 2005
  54. L'agriculture naturelle Masanobu Fukuoka
  55. L'énergie durable - pas que du vent! David MacKay 2011
  56. La arbolución Aprende como crear riqueza a través del CO2 Pieter Hoff
  57. La permaculture - un intérêt économique
  58. La pratique de sage-femme basée sur les données factuelles Lignes de conduite pour l'accompagnement de l'accouchement Jane Munro & Helen Spiby 2000
  59. La vie rurale dans l'ancienne France Albert Babeau 1883
  60. Le grand livre de la taille et de la greffe Pour fortifier et aider à se développer harmonieusement tous les arbres fruitiers du jardin E. Boffelli et G. Sirtori 1998
  61. Le petit herboriste illustré Plantes médicinales, herboristerie, phytothérapie GAC
  62. Les plantes médicinales 2015-2016 2015
  63. Ley de derechos de la madre Tierra
  64. Lignes directrices relatives à la qualité de l'air Particules, ozone, dioxyde d'azote et dioxyde de soufre OMS 2005
  65. Manuel de survie de l'armée canadienne
  66. Nombre de Dunbar Chiffre magique et forces tribales Julie Rachel Ferrier 2015
  67. Nuclear War Survival Skills Cresson H. Kearny 1987
  68. One Circle How to Grow a Complete Diet in Less Than 1,000 Square Feet David Duhon 1985
  69. Opium for the Masses Jim Hogshire 1994
  70. Overshoot The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change William R. Catton, Jr. 1980
  71. Paysages résilients Approche systémique du territoire post-effondrement Pierre Lacroix 2017
  72. PDC Outline
  73. PDC Permaculture Booklet
  74. Permaculture A Designers' Manual Bill Mollison 1988
  75. Permaculture 1 Une agriculture pérenne pour l'autosuffisance Bill Mollison & David Holmgren 1978
  76. Permaculture 2 Aménagements pratiques à la campagne et en ville Bill Mollison 1986
  77. Permaculture A Designer's Manual Bill Mollison 1988
  78. Permaculture Design Course Bill Mollison 1981
  79. Permaculture for Fire Control & Permaculture for Millionaires Bill Mollison
  80. Permaculture Two Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture Bill Mollison 1979
  81. Pic du pétrole et Pic du gaz Patrick Brocorens 2007
  82. Plukrijp voor Dummies Frank Ruymen 2014
  83. Précis de phytothérapie Le meilleur de la nature au service de votre santé 2010
  84. Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 1 Brad Lancaster 2009
  85. Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 2 Brad Lancaster 2010
  86. Regional Oil Extraction and Consumption A simple production model for the next 35 years Part I Michael Dittmar 2016
  87. Regional Oil Extraction and Consumption A simple production model for the next 35 years Part II Michael Dittmar 2017
  88. Rocket Mass Heaters Superefficient Woodstoves YOU Can Build Ianto Evans, Leslie Jackson 2006
  89. Sailing the Farm Kenneth Neumeyer 1981
  90. Saudi Arabia field-by-field Analysis Hans G. Jud 2006
  91. Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1962
  92. Standards for Grow Intensive Sustainable Mini-Farming John Jeavons 2015
  93. Survivre à l'effondrement économique Piero San Giorgio 2011
  94. Sustainable Energy - without the hot air David MacKay 2009
  95. The $50 and Up Underground House Book Mike Oehler 1997
  96. The China Study Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health T. Colin Campbell 2006
  97. The China Study Cookbook Leanne Campbell 2013
  98. The Collapse of Complex Societies Joseph A. Tainter 1988
  99. The Earth-Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book How to build an energy free year-round greenhouse Mike Oehler 2007
  100. The Essential Urban Farmer Novella Carpenter and Willow Rosenthal 2011
  101. The Five Stages of Collapse Survivor's Toolkit Dmitry Orlov 2013
  102. The Global Sociometabolic Transition Past and Present Metabolic Profiles and Their Future Trajectories Fridolin Krausmann 2008
  103. The Keyline Plan P.A. Yeomans 1954
  104. The Knowledge How to Rebuild our World from Scratch Lewis Dartnell 2014
  105. The Limits to Growth Dennis L. Meadows 1972
  106. The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots 200 Practical Knots for Sailors, Climbers, Campers & Other Adventurers Geoffrey Budworth & Jason Dalton 2002
  107. The Natural Way of Farming The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy Masanobu Fukuoka
  108. The One-Straw Revolution Fukuoka Masanobu 1978
  109. The One-Straw Revolution An Introduction to Natural Farming Masanobu Fukuoka 1978
  110. The Origins of Invention A Study of Industry among Primitive People Otis T. Mason 1895
  111. The Permaculture Handbook Garden Farming for Town and Country Peter Bane 2012
  112. The Permaculture Way Practical Steps to Create a Self-Sustaining World Graham Bell 1992
  113. The Resilient Gardener Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times Carol Deppe 2010
  114. The Sea Gypsy Tribe Ray Jason 2013
  115. The Survival Medicine Handbook A guide for when medical help is not on the way Joseph Alton 2013
  116. The Treesolution Learn how to create wealth from CO2 Pieter Hoff 2014
  117. The Ultimate of God Nature The One-Straw Revolution Fukuoka Masanobu 1996
  118. The Upside of Down Catastrophe, Creativity, andf the Renewal of Civilization Thomas Homer-Dixon 2006
  119. The Winter Harvest Handbook Year-Round Vegetable Production Using Deep Organic Techniques Eliot Coleman 2009
  120. The World Without Us Alan Weisman 2007
  121. Traité pratique et raisonné des plantes médicinales indigènes F.-J. Cazin 1868
  122. Transcript of a Permaculture Design Course by B. Mollison
  123. Tree Crops A permanent agriculture J. Russel Smith 1929
  124. Végétaux intéressants pour la création d'écosystèmes comestibles
  125. Vie sauvage - Survie #1 David Manise
  126. Vie sauvage - Survie #2 David Manise
  127. Walipi Construction The Underground Greenhouse Benson Agriculture and Food Institute 2002
  128. We, the Tikopia A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive Polynesia Raymond Firth
  129. What is Cereal Grass?
  130. Where there is No Dentist Murray Dickson 2010
  131. Where there is No Doctor A village health care handbook David Werner 2010
  132. Wood and Bamboo for Rural Water Supply Kick van den Heuvel 1981


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